Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hearty breakfast plays into B&B fantasy

On weekends, I love cooking a big breakfast. This plays into a fantasy I have that I could run a B&B (and maybe I could, except that this would involve doing many chores outside the kitchen for which I have no knack or appetite...) Late this morning, I made us a feta cheese omelette with pieces of orange tomato folded in and a sprinkle of parsley on top. (I picked up a sack of orange tomatoes this morning at the market. They're quite appealing.) I also sauteed a few baby potatoes (left over from last night) in olive oil with some diced sweet onion. And we enjoyed some cantaloupe, which we eat morning and night lately, no complaints, and homemade wheat bread with strawberry-rhubarb jam. The jam also came from (where else?) the farmer's market. Now we won't need to eat again 'til dinner. We may not need to eat for the rest of the weekend.

On an unrelated note, a bit of a rant: After my big breakfast, I caught a few minutes of Paula Deen on the Food Network, showing how to make a no-bake cheesecake using a storebought graham-cracker crust, sweetened condensed milk and a can of cherry pie filling. Looks easy, looks good, looks awfully familiar. Isn't that basically the time-honored recipe on a box of Philadelphia cream cheese? Don't people who watch the Food Network expect to see something a little more inspiring?


Lori said...

Ah, B&B breakfasts. To me, they're the epitome of relaxation. Check out the Web site for a B&B we stayed at in Dallas last fall,, and click on the link "Breakfast at the Corinthian". Maybe it'll serve as further inspiration!

Tess Knadler said...

Sounds like inspiration to plan a weekend in Dallas! Good tip.

Lori said...

Good rant. The nerve of Ms. Deen!