Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dieting makes my life and my blog kinda boring

So far, I've lost 7.5 pounds on the diet I started a few weeks ago. Considering that I spent last weekend in Philadelphia eating gnocchi, soft pretzels and dessert from this aptly named bakery in Chestnut Hill, I figure I'm doing pretty good.

A typical day starts with Weightwatchers yogurt stirred with a couple spoonfuls of cardboard-flavored Kelloggs' All-Bran with extra fiber. Lunch is a big spinach salad with no-fat Italian dressing topped with a little tuna fish or chicken. Dinner is usually grilled pork or chicken or a turkey burger and veggies. It's very boring. But it's working. I reward myself with treats only if I make time to hit the gym. When I go to restaurants I only eat half of whatever I order, and I just say no to bread, though this makes me unhappy.

I will keep this up for about another month, I figure and then try to get back to eating good food I love -- in moderation. Expect my outlook and my blog posts to improve at that point. In the meantime, I am planning to bake some catfish to have with a nice brown rice, corn and black bean salad for dinner tonight. That'll give me something healthy to blog about.

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