Friday, December 7, 2007

Fried catfish tastes deliciously like summer

Sorry I have been distracted and not blogging. I am starting a new job Monday, haven't started thinking about the holidays at all-- and we got a puppy! Her name is Bella and she's wonderful; a 12-week-old boxer/terrier mutt. She's the greatest.

With so much going on, I think I'm in denial about the holidays. I need to be baking cookies on a daily basis and freezing them. Haven't started. Last night I did cook us dinner, but nothing with a holiday feel-- we finally ate up the catfish we caught on our memorable excursion in northern Kansas last summer.

We never got around to having a fish fry with all the folks who went on that trip, and now that I'm leaving one job to start another, the co-worker who had custody of the frozen fish brought me my share this week. I coated it in excellent cornmeal coating mix that my (soon-to-be-former) boss gave me that is not available in Wichita. I'm almost out and I'm trying to figure out what exactly goes into this perfect fish breading. I dipped the fish fillets in ice water, then coated them with the breading, and fried in hot vegetable oil over medium high heat for about 5 minutes per side. It's important not to flip the fish before that five minutes is over. Mmm. I gotta say, eating this fish was a lot more fun than catching it.

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